Salem, Massachusetts is a special place. Yes, it's historical, beautiful and vibrant, but more importantly, it's among the most open-minded and inclusive communities anywhere. And we here at District Trading Company embrace that spirit wholeheartedly, and we show it outwardly and proudly*. Product DetailsDie-cut StickerDimensions: 3" x 1.4" *District Trading Company, LLC is...
Why burn an entire incense stick and have to clean up the ash when you can light a simple scented match stick in seconds and get the same outcome?
Product DetailsMatch books contains 30 sticks.Burn like incense.
Product Info:Die-cut stickerDimensions: 3" x 3"Designed by District Trading Company in our Salem, MA studio. About the Design:Our original Skull & CrossBrooms design brings together Salem's witchy October tradition with our pirate history. Yes, Salem has a pirate history as well. And we love to combine our history in our...